There are many ways to prepare for college. Try these tips to help you emotionally and mentally be ready for your first semester at school!
1. Get out into nature
Spending outside is a great way to refocus on what is most important. Sometimes we get so caught up with the responsibilities we are trying to juggle that we get overwhelmed and easily discouraged. Getting some time out in the sun, among God's creations can clear our mind and help us be more grateful for the life we life and the opportunities that lie in front of us.
2. Feed your spirit
Building your spiritual self is essential. Body and spirit work together but only in the proper balance. Your body and mind won't be as capable and strong if one is out of balance. Pray often, attend your church meetings, read your scriptures, and go to the temple are what we know will keep our spirits' strong. Keeping the Lord involved while you attend school will help you reach new goals and understand concepts that otherwise would be difficult or unattainable.
3. Exercise
It's important to keep your body moving so that your mind can also stay active. Go for a jog, take a walk around the park, go to the gym with friends, or attend one of the fitness classes on campus with your roommates. When you consistently exercise you will begin to feel happier, have more confidence, and have the energy to complete all of your responsibilities.
See Campus Recreation to see what sports, outdoor activities, and fitness classes are offered.
See Campus Recreation to see what sports, outdoor activities, and fitness classes are offered.
4. Mental Awareness
The Student Counseling Center on campus has put up some self help guides that give us a better understanding of the mental struggles that are common in this stage of life, including (but not limited to): ADD/ADHD, Anger, Depression, Grief and Loss, OCD, Mindfulness, Sleep Habits, and Stress and Anxiety. Click on the link below to see resources available to you.
5. Sleep
It's really important to get enough sleep, especially when you are attending University. Check out some tips that will help you develop a healthy sleeping pattern and optimize mental and physical capacity.
Mentors & Counseling
There are many options to receive a personal mentor or counselor here on campus.
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